
Avant Company has real estate listings for thousands of homes for sale in regions across Kenya and Africa. Our listings represent over One Thousand Potential Buyers and Sellers in top cities and estate in top states at your fingertips along with thousands of homes in smaller cities and towns. We do Sales, House and Apartment rentals, and other real estate property currently on the market. You can even find housing prices too. So whether you’re looking to Invest, Purchase or getting detailed information on real estate, look no further than Avant Company.

Each real estate listing provides comprehensive details about the property so you have a clear picture of what features and amenities are included. We also go beyond real estate listings with access to real estate tools and resources such as moving guides, real estate buying tips, Home upgrade solutions, Real estate investment forums, even quotes for movers, self-storage, and home insurance.. Virtually everything you need to find the perfect home is here.

Avant Company not only deals with Selling and buying of furnished Homes and apartments but also in building this homes and apartments from acquiring the land to project planning till handover of the said finished product, The company has earned recognition for undertaking large, complex projects, fostering innovation, embracing emerging technologies, and making a difference for their clients, employees and community. With a staff of 50 employees who are currently working on a number of projects this year, we offer clients the accessibility and support of a local firm with the stability and resources of a multinational organization.